Sunday, February 5, 2012


My first experience with the website known as Facebook came long ago when a friend of mine encouraged… well, forced me to join. I was still using the flawed and very notorious site known as Myspace. Now, Myspace has definitely fallen from its titanic status as the social networking site to use. At the time I left, it was obvious that the place was on the decline. Today it has become a sort of American Idol online clone. All of the cool kids moved to Facebook as soon as the bandwagon came into sight, and I was late.
I noticed many similarities early on, but the annoying applications and add-on games that Myspace had was the most striking similarity. Not only this, but the same “friends” of mine pestered me endlessly to play their games.  I had given in to the invitations on Myspace, but on Facebook I knew not to. Some games required you to perform hourly tasks where you clicked the same spots over and over. This might be called torture to me or you, but apparently they enjoyed it. I soon discovered that I was friends with several masochists.
The website also gives you the ability to “like” things. This is basically a measure of how cool you are. I once got 15 likes on something. That’s nothing, some people get hundreds. This is sort of an instant gratification, and gives people bragging rights. Facebook is all about looking cool to your friends. It also pesters you into adding people who you barely know, such as someone who is friends with your third cousin’s friend’s brother.
This gets me to my point. In order to look cool on Facebook, you must take at least one picture of yourself with a “duckface.” A duckface is when you curl your lips up and out like an ape in a picture. You can roll your eyes to look even cooler. It doesn’t matter how completely ridiculous you might look; the duck lips make you at least twice as cool as someone without them. Sticking out your tongue, scrunching your nose, and crossing your eyes tells people that you are an attractive and fun person to be around.
Facebook is also a great place for teenagers to hide things from their parents. It has always been cool to pose while holding bottles of various alcoholic drinks, such as beer, vodka, or wine. It also showcases to their future employers that they are responsible and mature.
One time, I failed to repost a chain mail. It said that if I didn’t send it to at least 5 people in the next hour, a teddy bear would come to life during the night and kill my sister.  And that’s horrible. Well, guess what, nothing happened. But many people on Facebook believe that there are murdering bands of teddy bears that roam the streets at night, searching for people who haven’t reposted their messages, and killing their families.
Now, Facebook is a really useful website. It’s excellent because you can talk to anyone you have on your list… Even your dentist. That’s not something I do, though. It helps you reconnect with people you haven’t talked to in years, then lets you go right back to forgetting they exist.

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